Monday, May 14, 2007

SkullFace the Performer

Principal Fred: "you can't go out there dressed like that, this is a kids show!"

SkullFace: " Titty Fuckin' Christ!! You mean I'm not stripping for a midget convention!!??"

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The SkullFace action figure!!!!

All New! SkullFace action figure includes:

- Battle Damage
- Glow in the day vision
- Detachable head for hiding drugs from your parents
- One time use rocket pack
- Killa kung Fu grip
- comes with, broccoli, nostril brush and cheap wine

made in taiwan by mexican immigrants.

Friday, May 11, 2007

SkullFace the Viking

" OK fellas, here's the plan... First we rape then we pillage...No wait!...First we pillage, THEN we rape... NO! SCRATCH THAT!...First we CONQUER, then we rape then we pillage and then we rape again. Tadow!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jungle Savage SkullFace

"I got 5 shrunken heads with your name written on them if you give me some toilet paper."

1st post!!!

Hello everybody!!!! so here's a blog dedicated to that crazy character tattooed on my arm by the name of Skull Face. I'm gonna try and post up new cartoons and drawings a few times a week. If you have any recommendations of what to do with Skull Face, let me know and I'll put your idea to use.

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